Your session will automatically logout unless you choose an action now. Logout will cause unsaved changes to be lost.
If you prefer to use a title in front of your name, e.g. for an address label, please enter it here.
How would you like to be addressed in a letter/email? e.g. Dear Craig, Dear Mr Smith, Hi Bill, Greetings Sir Richard.
This detail will help when matching interpreters to assignment requirements.
Acceptable format: 07xxx xxxxxx or 07xxxxxxxxx
Acceptable formats: (0xxxx) xxxxxx or (0xxx) xxx xxxx or (0xx) xxxx xxxx brackets around regional code are optional.
The name and number of the person we should contact in an emergency.
Please tell us how you would prefer to be contacted about your bookings.
Password will be set during account activation
If this is not available for your classification, please enter as NA
Please give details of any specialist experience you may have.
Please provide details of any other relevant interpreting and language qualifications you may have.
Please give details of your professional indemnity insurance (if through ASLI state ASLI).
Please provide the names and addresses of two referees. One of these should be from an NRCPD registered Communication Professional.
Please give details of any additional skills that you have such as Deafblind manual.
Please give details of any security clearances you may have e.g. Police etc.
RAD provide a 24 hour, 365 days a year Emergency Service. Please tick this box if you are prepared to be contacted out of hours for emergency appointments.
Number of hours for which the minimum charge applies.
Number of hours for which the half day rate applies.
Number of hours for which the full day rate applies.
This is recorded as £ per mile. e.g. Enter 25p per mile as 0.25
Hourly rate for transcription work, if applicable.
Hourly rate for preparation work, if applicable.
If there are any assignments when your rate may differ due to geographical location please provide details
RAD will email notifications about new bookings inviting you to quote. Please contact RAD interpreting staff to supress these emails.
Are there any specific assignments you will not undertake, for example, Dentists appointments.
Tick the areas within which you are prepared to undertake assignments
Please provide details of other interpreters or clients you'd prefer not to work with.
We will not pass your details onto any other parties. Even if you opt out of development emails, you will still receive notifications from the booking system regarding assignments.